Sleep is the best medicine

Sleep, like laughter, is one of the best medicines you can offer yourself. It is a nourishing Body Meditation too. Many conditions can be greatly improved or avoided altogether, with a good sleep routine.

Observe in nature, animals, plants, babies, children, just how much sleep is needed and how effortless sleep is.

Sleep is vital to your survival.

Sleep restores, replenishes and heals your body and mind.

As life becomes busy, with so much to ‘do’ each day, it pushes rest and sleep times further into the next day.

You have a choice.

And when you are ready, you may have to ‘train’ yourself to get a good night and sleep routine.

In Chinese Medicine, sleep is essential for the body to recover, for the heart to be at rest and for our spirit to process emotions and dream freely.

Can you change one thing tonight to create a relaxing pre-sleep routine?

  • Switch off all devices at least 1 hour before you go to bed

  • Have a warm shower or epsom salt bath

  • Settle into bed at 10pm aiming to be asleep by 11pm

Mary Lally