Why would you stick a load of needles in your face?

Recently someone asked me “Why would you stick a load of needles in your face?”.  

Typically when I mention Acupuncture, a lot of people say 

“Oh I don't like needles”.


We are conditioned to dislike ‘needles’.  Many of us will have had difficult experiences as children with school nurses, dentists or doctors, which cast long shadows.  Acupuncture needles are completely different to syringe needles.  They are very thin, similar to a strand of hair.  Needling depth varies depending on the need or intention, though mostly it is very superficial.

But when I also mention Cosmetic Acupuncture, the response is 

“You haven't got enough needles for me”.

They may even want a treatment, immediately!  Where is the needle phobia? Gone.

We humans are strange creatures, really.  We tell ourselves the most outrageous stories, or we believe the stories other people tell us about ourselves.  Sometimes, these stories help us deal with situations we don't understand or have any reference for.  And sometimes too, those stories keep us from making changes.

While it may be easier, to say “ I don't like needles”, next time you could try saying something like,

“I have never experienced Acupuncture.  The needles make me feel fearful. I don't understand it” .

or simply say 

“Im afraid”.

5 Element Acupuncture is a natural, healthy approach to living.  Cosmetic Acupuncture is a natural, healthy approach to ageing.  Many of the same points that are used in treatment, will have different functions and results.  For example the points which help lift the eyebrows, can also benefit eye health and sinuses, the points to help sculpt the cheeks and brighten the skin, can also benefit digestive health.

It is natural to be afraid of the unknown or unfamiliar.  Trust your instinct. If you are not sure, ask some questions.  Always trust your instinct.  

Mary Lally