Can you fix my sore shoulder?
A common question people ask me, is
“Can you fix my sore (body part)?”.
They have had a pain “for ages”. They haven't got anyone to check it out,
“Sure everything was working fine.”
Now some bit is not working. Then a friend or family member tells them, they had the exact same pain. They proceed to provided a diagnosis, a prognosis and recommend the person that fixed it for them.
We are creatures of habit. We have a ‘pain’ somewhere. We will wait and see what happens. There is a notion, and an expectation, that when we go to the doctor, they will give us tablet and everything will be fine.
Sometimes that works. Sometimes that is not the outcome. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine provides us with a variety of options and possibilities.
Don’t wait until it hurts or breaks down. Help your body heal itself, the natural way.