“Stress is a complicated cascade of physical and biochemical responses to powerful emotional stimuli. Physiologically, emotions are themselves electrical, chemical and hormonal discharges of the human nervous system.”
Stress Management Training
What is Stress?
“Stress” is one of the most common conditions seen in Clinic. It is scientifically linked to numerous physical, emotional and mental health conditions. It is now so prevalent in society, we take it for granted and accept it as the norm.
What Stress Management Training is available?
You can choose from the following:
The 5 Week Self-Directed online asynchronous course
The Live Stress Management Programme is delivered virtually or in-person for groups of 10 or more. All content is supported with an online asynchronous course.
What will I learn?
During the course you will learn how to:
Identify symptoms of Stress
Understand the effects of Stress on Health
Manage Stress with Mindfulness
Manage symptoms of Stress
Coping strategy for Stressful Situations
Why is Breath important for Stress Management?
In the 5 Elements system, like many of the Ancient Wisdom traditions, breath is everything. Breath is life giving, cultivated and honoured. It is with the Breath, Mindfulness and Hypnotherapy, we begin to learn again how to manage stress and its symptoms. Breath is an integral part of health and wellness. It connects us to the present. And it is present for us in every moment of our life.
How do I find out about Stress Management Training?
Select Stress Management in the connect form here if you would like the Stress Management Training delivered live to support your workplace health and wellness.
All of us have experienced some form of Stress. Positive stress is needed to motivate ourselves, to get stuff done or we would just stay the same. We go beyond what we currently believe is our natural capacity, we recover or integrate, then we do it all over again. It’s the stress that helps us change. It’s the stuff that makes us want to make a difference. Negative stress is when it becomes a pattern, when we continue to go beyond our natural, physical or mental capacity, when there is no recovery or down time, and when we continue to ramp it up! While this is exciting, addictive and infectious, it is also depleting, exhausting and leads to burn-out and chronic health conditions.
Too much of either type of stress will create a disruption in the natural energy balance. Over time this creates a deficit. Any deficit creates imbalance. The energetic system needs to be in balance to function efficiently. It naturally seeks to balance in every moment. Typically in Stress conditions, most organs and their energies will indicate imbalance.
Symptomatically, Stress can present in the physical, emotional or mental health. Over time it will present in all areas of our life.
The physical structure and posture is affected by stress, when someone is literally ‘carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders’. Pain, tension, reduced flexibility and mobility, are common in shoulders, back and neck, lower back and pelvis.
Stress takes its toll on the emotions and mental health too. Some people will describe ‘having a knot in their stomach’ or their ‘nerves are stretched to breaking’. They can feel under pressure to perform, they cant sleep, they cant eat, something is going round and round in their head. They are unable to relax, they cant relax, they cant switch off, they are permanently on alert.
Stress affects our Sexual Health and Intimacy. People become 'burnt out' as energy, fertility, hormones and body image is affected. Partners may feel 'I'm just going through the motions', or 'I've lost my desire'. Stress takes away any desire or energy to make love.
Add poor nutrition, lack of exercise/excessive exercise, weak immune system, poor coping skills, alcohol or drugs to that and its becomes a very loaded and complicated complaint.
5 Element Acupuncture will detox your system and clear the blocks to your energy. You will feel energised and be better able to deal with life. You will have energy for life, exercise and sex. Sex is a natural stress reliever!
The energy or Qi is regulated through diagnosis of the Causative Factor or main Element and subsequent treatment of the main Element. Treatment begins with a detox for all of the systems, then further supportive and energising treatments are given. Guided meditations, acupressure, moxibustion and exercise are added to reduce stress.
When balance is restored in the systems, the typical effect felt is a calming or quieting of the mind, this brings quite or calm into the heart which begins the process where all of the organs are is able to support the body. Increasingly over time the body remembers how to remain in this relaxed state and the mind is better able to accept the need.
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