Breath is Beautiful

The importance of Breath. We cannot exist without it. So how can we bring thought and awareness to our Breath?

In the 5 Elements, the Metal Pillar of Health, we cultivate breath. In the same way that we cultivate the earth, to improve the soil,  to oxygenate it, so it can grow and sustain plant life, we can learn to cultivate our breath, to  oxygenate, grow and sustain our bodies with our breath. 

Generally when stressed our breath is faster, heart rate faster. Working with our breath is improves and strengthens our ability to reduce stress. We need a certain amount of stress. Positive  stress motivates us to do things. Being a little nervous before we do  something new is normal. Our body recovers quickly.  

It is the switched on stress, when we are always waiting for something bad to happen,  with an elevated heart rate, reduced breath capacity, light sleep, broken, and we can’t relax, 

Sometimes we lose connection with our natural cycles and try to hold on, grudges, anger, negativity, old patterns that do not serve us, unhealthy activities

With a regular breath practice we will reduce our stress = when there is little  or no stress = there is no activation of the stress responses = which means  there is no cortisol coursing round our bodies, which means our body is  supporting functioning normally eg body burning FAT (as opposed to when  we are stressed and the body burns sugar, creating the sugar burn/sugar craving cycle)

Nature instructs us about our own cycles of creating and letting go: Flowers let go of their petals when they have bloomed in their fullness. The apples simply fall and return to the earth. The trees let go of their leaves in autumn.

The Metal Pillar of Health gives our sense of self-worth. Each of us is a miracle of creation, more  valuable and special than anything we could ever pursue; each of us has a unique and priceless contribution to make.  

Each in-breath is an act of inspiration, a word that not only describes the  physical act of breathing, but also the working at the  level of mind and spirit. 

The benefits of increase breath function include, increased life span,  regeneration of brain tissue, increased immune function, and increased  relaxation. 

So take time today to Breathe your Beautiful Breath.


Mary Lally