I've lost my MOJO!

“There’s nothing wrong with me, but I’m just not right.”

You have lost your MOJO. Your MOJO is your spark, your motivation, your energy, passion and connection, your drive and inspiration. Sometimes you just run out of it. 

It may have accumulated over time. It impacts lifestyle, exercise, nutrition, wellness and almost always in the bedroom!

People feel a guilty when there is nothing ‘wrong’ with them.  They certainly give themselves a tough time trying to explain it.

You don't have to be ill to benefit from talking to someone.  It is healthy to seek support. Acknowledge where you are. Tell yourself,

“I am doing the best I can right now.”

So how is your MOJO doing?

#mojo #vavavoom #energy #inspiration #motivation #sex #passion #connection #acknowledge #acceptance #compassion

Mary Lally