Energy Is Everything.
It is always good to start with energy. Energy is everything. It is everywhere. Some people understand energy as positive or negative. Some understand it in a conceptual way, as it is beyond our normal sight. The Oriental Medicine Traditions will talk about the Tao (sounds like cow, pronounced dow) which is EVERYTHING. Yin and Yang are the opposites each having the seed of the other, always seeking to complement and balance each other.
What does it mean in our every day? When we move, walk, eat, sleep, poo, pee, think, talk, have sex, give birth, die, it is an energetic process. It’s all energy. Some activities will give us energy, some will consume our energy. Part of our life’s journey is to become more aware of the balance of energy within us, so we know when we have the time and the energy to be active and when we need to recover or restore our energy.
All of us, at some time (or most of the time), will use more energy than we have. Humans have great stores of energy that allow us to do that for a while. Most of us know when we are ‘burning the candle at both ends’ or that we are ‘over stretching ourselves’.
The reality for many people is that busy and stressful lifestyles are everyday. Forever. Thats ok for now. We work with reality. In clinic I assess your lifestyle and help you to identify some time, where you begin to restore and balance your energy.
In 5 Elements Acupuncture, we are taught we are born with or inherit 3 types of energy, the first is heavenly or ancestral qi (energy) which is from the divine, then we get some from mum and dad and some we get when we are born. The first 2 we can do nothing about, the 3rd is our own energy which we can positively or negatively affect every day. We can improve it with activity and nutrition, lifestyle. We can enhance or deplete our energy levels. That is our choice.
During treatment, it is your energy and your ability to heal, that I call on to heal your body. I encourage you to become aware of the process and teach you methods you can do at home. This practice becomes part of the foundation of your healing journey.
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